
2021 Transportation and Before and AfterCare Information and Survey

Hi Park Shore Families!

We are so excited that we are nearing the Summer of 2021 and getting closer to normalcy in our everyday lives. As we continue to prepare for the 2021 season we would like to keep our camp families informed about all changes and new developments based on Safety Guidelines from New York State and the CDC. Below is some updated information we’d like to share with you along with a brief survey. It is important that ALL camp families complete the survey so that we are well informed before making any definitive decisions about our practices for the Summer of 2021.


Park Shore is completely committed to providing transportation to all Park Shore families who would like to utilize transportation and are within our transportation area. We have not yet been given the full guidelines for bus transportation. We will alert you as soon as we do. 

  • In the event of limited bus capacity, there will be a surcharge of $XX per camper for transportation. 
  • All camp families have the option of declining bus transportation. There will be a credit of $XX per camper applied to the camp tuition. 

Before and After-Care

Park Shore will be providing Before and After-Care in lieu of transportation for those families that require extended hours. All campers will wear masks during Before and After-Care since they will not be in their pods. Before Care begins at 7:45am and After-Care ends at 5:45pm.

  • All camp families have the option of taking advantage of Before and After Care in lieu of transportation. If you decide to utilize Before or After-Care there will be a surcharge of $XX per camper applied to the camp tuition. 


Based on the information provided above, please fill out the survey below. Please call Park Shore at (631) 499-8580 if you have any questions. 

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Visit Us

450 Deer Park Road

Dix Hills, NY 11746

Tour Hours

M-F: 10am - 4pm

S-S: 11am - 2pm (February - June)

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Park Shore Perks